Cover Design
The cover design request consisted of the following:
Outerspace with a gray-blue or purple planet in the foreground, with a faint star in the background shedding a little light on the planet. The planet has two moons.

Next I needed a planet and two moons. Photoshop (Extended Version) has limited 3D capabilities so I used some stock texture images and "spherized" them. I enhanced the shadowing manually in Photoshop to produce the final planet and moons. Each sphere was created as a separate file and placed on top of the background image as a Smart Object so I could enlarge or reduce them without affecting their resolution. I actually created an "atmosphere" around the planet, but the author didn't want it, so I removed it for the final artwork. Here are the original texture images and how they look once they are wrapped around a sphere.

Interior Page Design
For the interior pages, I had complete freedom to choose the fonts, design the individual pages and chapter openers, as well as the table of contents.
For the body copy I chose Palatino – a reliable, legible serif font family.